Arkansas Pharmacy Support Group
We're Here to Help

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What We Can Do to Help | Helpful Links | Treatment Facilities | Monthly Meetings

What We Can Do to Help

We know the way. Members of the Arkansas Pharmacy Support Group are recovering addicts. We have been through the hiding, the denial and the rationalization, and ultimately faced our problem and entered into recovery.

We offer strong support. As pharmacy professionals, we face a challenge most recovering addicts can avoid. If we are to continue in our chosen profession, we cannot avoid temptation. We must return to an environment where we are surrounded by drugs with a potential for abuse. We may frequently handle the very substance that caused our problem in the beginning.

A strong support system is our best defense, and that is what the Arkansas Pharmacy Support Group provides. We meet monthly and discuss how we are coping with recovery and how we are handling other problems in our lives. We learn from these meetings that we are not alone and that we can share our strength, experience and hope with others.

We provide information that can help you make tough decisions. We will do our best to answer any questions about addiction, recovery and what we are doing to live in sobriety. Then you decide if you want our help. If you choose, we can guide you through the recovery process and help you avoid pitfalls.

You do not have to identify yourself. Call the Arkansas Pharmacy Support Group Helpline at (870) 636-0923 and leave a message. If you would rather talk in person, that can be arranged.

If you need help immediately, please call the State Board at (501) 682-0190 and ask for the number of Support Group member.

If you suspect you have a problem, you probably do. Without help, it will only get worse. Take action now, before you lose control.