APA Student Opportunities

The Arkansas Pharmacists Association (APA) holds multiple activities each year for student pharmacists.  These events include:

  • Arkansas Pharmacy Foundation Annual Golf Tournament (April)
    Each year, the APF holds an annual golf tournament to raise money for student scholarships.  The golf tournament is a great opportunity for students to network with pharmacists and to enjoy the day on the golf course.
  • Graduation Celebration (May)
    To celebrate student pharmacists' completion of their pharmacy degree and to welcome them as pharmacist members of the profession, the APA offers a treat for graduating seniors. During the event, students receive a commemorative APA membership certificate that is suitable for framing and they receive a six-month complimentary membership to the APA.
  • White Coat Ceremony (August)
    APA sponsors the White Coat Ceremonies for both colleges of pharmacy in Arkansas.  Student pharmacists will be presented with their white coat their first year of pharmacy school, and in the following years will have the opportunity to volunteer at UAMS or Harding White Coat Ceremonies as student pharmacists. 
  • APA Board of Directors & Committees
    The APA Board of Directors includes two students, one from each college of pharmacy in Arkansas.  In addition, the APA places one student from each school on each of the APA Standing Committees.  To express interest in serving on an APA Committee, please contact the ASP Chapter Liaison at your college of pharmacy.
  • Pharmacy Practice Experience
    Student pharmacists have the opportunity to earn IPPE hours at the Arkansas Pharmacists Association.  APA also offers advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE) to fourth year pharmacy students as a legislative elective rotation. 


The APA welcomes student involvement in all of our association activities.  The following events are additional opportunities for student pharmacist involvement:

  • Legislative Day (February)
    Advocate for the profession of pharmacy while honoring our legislators at APA's Legislative Day.  After lunch and an afternoon spent at the Capitol, visit with our state legislators face-to-face at the evening reception.
  • Arkansas Mission of Mercy (April)
    ArMOM is an annual, 2-day free dental clinic for under-served Arkansans.  Student pharmacists have the opportunity to participate in dispensing medications to patients receiving free dental care.
  • Annual Convention (June)
    The APA Annual Convention is held in June every year and pharmacists from across the state attend for the great CE, social gatherings, and networking opportunities.  Student pharmacists are able to attend APA's Annual Convention for a discounted price, which provides an excellent opportunity for increasing their knowledge of current pharmacy issues as well as networking opportunities.  This is an event students should not miss!
  • District Meetings (September / October)
    APA District Meetings occur throughout the state in September.  Students may attend these meetings with a preceptor or other pharmacist.  This opportunity allows students to meet and network with pharmacists on a regional level within the state.